Interview with Matthew

17 Aug 2022
Which design element is the most important in office design?

Since the traditional cramped office with intervals is no longer up-to-trend for the new generation as well as a post-pandemic period, Matthew believes an innovative office design is essential empower staff’s creativity and sustainability. “For instance, an open plan office, lighting design combines natural light, some communal and socializing spaces, flexible furniture and some greenery implementation, and the functionality etc. the elements which create equilibrium between productivity and human-sustainability. “

How does workplace design differ from other forms of design?

“We believe a workspace design is not just about a beautiful look, but as a brand, to synchronise with the brand image and be functional and with efficiency. Since the goal of rearranging a workplace layout is to evoke a functional and human-friendly environment to increase productivity, unlike the living space design, office design mostly focuses a lot on aesthetics, space division, and user-friendly traffic through the space."

Do clients come to you with ideas?

“Yes, definitely. As most of our clients are the middle-class families while they have their own eccentricities and the pursuit towards a more sophisticated quality of living, they are always coming with a goal to ameliorate their homes. Our clients appreciate Grande’s identity and the “High-end minimalistic” approach, so when it comes to a merging, it’s always become a challenge for us, but I would say this is the most meaningful part of my job.“

How important do you think branding is to office design?

“A successful design always linked with its identity.”, said Matthew. When it comes to branding, apart from the digital presentation, physical environment is always the most important and direct to deliver the brand image and its values. Matthew believes both influence each other with a strong connection. Before everything started, a deep study on the brands to understand their DNA and design through narratives became Matthew’s motto.

Any difference between designing a small scale vs large scale office?

“The biggest difference between the small and large scales is probably the space planning. Since there are always expectations and fulfilment from the clients to achieve a better working environment, we are always taking the “less is more” approach to a smaller-scale office while using smart technologies to complete the facilities; on the other hand, a large-scale office allows a free-flowing space so that some kick-off and meeting areas can be planned."

How important is it to have a more open environment for employees?

When it comes to workplace design, Matthew keeps his indulgence on the open plan and thought this would be efficient and innovative for a future workplace trend. For instance, an open-plan office brings the possibility to leave out space and allow chill-out communal areas which foster a more interactive working environment and staff would feel a sense of belonging.